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About Crossroads

About Crossroads Real Estate

Crossroads Real Estate sprang from the idea of finding the next boom town in Wisconsin. The perfect place to buy Real Estate and invest. Over the years we’ve seen towns and villages grow. What was once farmland became subdivisions, strip malls, and industrial centers. All with very expensive land, homes, and businesses. Strip malls and business centers may not be attractive to all people, but they are growth indicators. Wouldn’t you like to one day get in on the ground floor before Real Estate prices skyrocket? If you get in and buy at the right place at the right time, you can also sell at the right time. Small towns and villages come with a unique advantage. When the population and growth hits a certain point, you have the option to sell and relocate. Here is the advantage of the right small town Your next move can be 5-10 minutes down the road where rural living is still a reality. You can stay in the same area, keep the same job, visit the same small shops and people, but from a new rural location that fulfills your dreams.

The Future of Real Estate

The fact of the matter is, Real Estate prices fluctuate. No one knows the future. Patterns do exist, but they are never a guarantee. The thing about small town prices is, they normally don’t see the double digit prices changes we see in the big cities and some towns that already experienced fantastic growth. There may be one or two big growth spurts, but for the most part, growth is slow and steady. The declines are not as sharp either. Smaller towns experience steady growth and Real Estate prices also remain steady compared to some cities and larger towns. The trick is to get in before that one big growth spurt, then watch your investment grow.

Information Technology

Crossroads Real Estate has grown into one of the most in depth and reliable sources of Real Estate information. Crossroads Real Estate offers information and services other Real Estate firms never dreamed about. Crossroads Real Estate offers the right collection of links to help you determine the best place to live based on the best information available. If you’re looking for an investment, you can research job growth, income, and the basic make up of cities and towns. That same information will help you find the perfect place to live. For instance. Why work for a big city corporation focused on continual growth based on introducing new concepts that result in constant updates, new technology, and other factors that tend to drive the average worker crazy. Today small towns are made up of family run businesses, established franchises, and new, growing companies attracted to the dedicated and reliable work force available. If you have the skills those companies are looking for, you can fulfill both your dreams. The dream of living in or near a quite town and the dream of working in a carrier where your skills are appreciated.


Listing Your Home for Sale

Crossroads Real Estate has the most unique commission scale in the business. So unique no one can or will copy it. So unique, the commission scale cannot be put in writing. The commission scale begins way below normal market commission scales copied from one Real Estate company to another. From that lower point, prices go down. The Commission Scale at Crossroads Real Estate is based on your individual situation as a seller. Looking for a new home? You qualify for a continual business discount? Have more than one property to sell? You qualify for a volume discount. Let’s meet and find a discount for you.

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